
This page contains links to sites that I've found helpful along the way in developing the materials for this site and the applications that can be found here.


The New Boston A site with many programming tutorials and definitely worth a look if you think you want to have a crack at any development.
My Bring Back The site that belongs to the author of the android tutorial on The New Boston. 200 excellent tutorials “for the most part.”

Essential Softare

Apache webserver software that allows you to show your site to the public
MySQL is a database engine used to store and retrieve data as needed.
PHP allows you to script pages and images dynamically on the server before they are sent to the user's browser.
WAMP Server a package of Apache, MySQL and PHP for the Windows environment making it easy to install and use the programs above.
Crimson Editor a text based language editor used to write the code for PHP, javascript, XHTML etc.
hMailServer email server software to host your own email domain
Mozilla Firefox for web browsing and Thunderbird as an email client.
Java The runtime and development environment for applets and Android programs.
Java JDK The Java Development Kit needed for application development.
Android SDK The Software Development Kit for the Android mobile environment.
Eclipse An amazing Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Java, including Android ... and others like C++

Graphics and Sound

WP Clipart Public domain clip art.
Eludication Playing Cards Playing cards created by Jesse Fuchs and Tom Hart used in the demo deckcycle
JFitz Playing Cards Public domain playing cards used throughout the card games.
PD Sounds Public domain sounds.

w3schools javascript, html5, css3