EastMidlandsRag Site Map


EastMidlandsRag (EMR - pronounced “eemer”) is a large publicly listed company .... OK, maybe not so much publicly listed as opposed to being an extremely well organized and efficient private organization. Well .... perhaps not so much of an organization that implies the structure one generally assoicates with the corporate envioronment as opposed to more of a partnership. Yes, that's it, a partnership of some of the best minds in the world working collaboratively together to develop mobile applications to enhance the way in which we interact, communicate and work. And by partnership, I really mean a lone individual (possibly with multiple personalities) working in a room all by himself. And by best minds, I really mean on that's been battered through the ages with different traumas and alcohol.

So that's the strucute. A ranting lunatic in a room by himself. What about the five year mission to boldly go ...